Focus Course

For 2024 I signed up for Shawn Blanc's Focus Course to help me work through my current state and bring back some focus into my life.

The Focus Course is a short course that sells itself on the concept of focus:

Other courses and training on time management and productivity often center on how to get more done in less time. But that only helps with efficiency.

People who measure success by the quantity of things they get done will never win. There are ALWAYS more new things to do.

You don't need more time...
You need more focus.

The selling point for me was how well some of the diagnosed problems were articulated and how they resonated with some of my existing behaviours. This year, I realised that 'burnout' was something that I hadn't experienced (multiple times) but that was on track for another episode. The timing of the course matched some leave I had booked in and so I took the opportunity to attend.

Over four weeks the course works through the following areas:

  1. Vision
  2. Strategy
  3. Habits
  4. Margin