Terms of Service
It seems with all the AI shitfuckery going on, this site needs a Terms of Service.
So for all those hoping to scrape this site, incorporate it into a data set, use my words, images, concepts and ideas please be aware….
By scrolling, reading, scanning, or copying the infomation on this website (or through any act of scraping data or other means whereby my data ends up in your system) you, or the company that now has access to the data contained on this website, have agreed to the following terms that supersede and any previous agreed to terms and which nullify any legal claim making this a voidable agreement.
- I agree to pay the author of the site, Tim Klapdor, the sum of $25 Million dollars in the currency of his choosing within 7 days of lodgement of a claim.
- A penalty of $1 million dollars a day will be applied for every day payment is not made.
- I agree to public apologise to the author through a paid 30-second commercial on a platform, time, and channel the author decides. I will concede publicly that I stole information, that I was caught in the act and probably did this to other people and that they should seek legal advice.
- I relinquish any claim on the author's content and understand I am commercially compelled to enter arbitration around payment beyond the initial sum for every day that data remains within a dataset, model, or accessible via the commercial entity.
- Any defence that seeks to deny or strike out this agreement will automatically double the amount payable. This will be tripled if the company seeks to defend itself on the grounds that it did not read the agreement.
- I will also agree to fund any legal costs incurred by Tim Klapdor in any attempt to pursue this agreement. These costs will be paid within 30 days of them being incurred, not at the end of judgment or proceedings that result in attempting to deny or combat the terms outlined in this agreement.
Thank you,